TheOneAndOnly's Item Logs

Box Opened
2 hours and 52 minutes ago
Fetch Reward (Received rewards from Scientific Research quest)
2 hours and 53 minutes ago
Jasper (×1)
Turned in for Fetch Quest
2 hours and 53 minutes ago
Amethyst (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Canopies.)
2 hours and 53 minutes ago
Metamorphic (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Canopies.)
2 hours and 53 minutes ago
Gold (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in City of Sweetbay.)
14 hours and 39 minutes ago
Silver (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in City of Sweetbay.)
14 hours and 39 minutes ago
Metamorphic (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in City of Sweetbay.)
14 hours and 39 minutes ago
Sedimentary (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in City of Sweetbay.)
14 hours and 39 minutes ago
Box Opened
15 hours and 59 minutes ago
Fetch Reward (Received rewards from Scientific Research quest)
15 hours and 59 minutes ago
Jasper (×1)
Turned in for Fetch Quest
15 hours and 59 minutes ago
Box Opened
1 day and 4 hours ago
Fetch Reward (Received rewards from Scientific Research quest)
1 day and 4 hours ago
Gold (×1)
Turned in for Fetch Quest
1 day and 4 hours ago
Gold (×1)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in City of Sweetbay.)
1 day and 13 hours ago
Sedimentary (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in City of Sweetbay.)
1 day and 13 hours ago
Box Opened
2 days and 50 minutes ago
Fetch Reward (Received rewards from Scientific Research quest)
2 days and 51 minutes ago
Copper (×1)
Turned in for Fetch Quest
2 days and 51 minutes ago
Copper (×3)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Blissful Mountain.)
2 days and 16 hours ago
Igneous (×3)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Blissful Mountain.)
2 days and 16 hours ago
Box Opened
2 days and 17 hours ago
Fetch Reward (Received rewards from Scientific Research quest)
2 days and 17 hours ago
Copper (×1)
Turned in for Fetch Quest
2 days and 17 hours ago
Silver (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Canopies.)
2 days and 17 hours ago
Metamorphic (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Canopies.)
2 days and 17 hours ago
Obsidian (×2)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Blissful Mountain.)
2 days and 18 hours ago
Copper (×3)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Blissful Mountain.)
2 days and 18 hours ago
Igneous (×3)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Blissful Mountain.)
2 days and 18 hours ago