Vitaechymos Lore

Vitaechymos, referred to as "Chymos" by the general population, is the source of life on Willanova. This sticky and viscous substance, parallel to sap, resides within various species of plants and animals. Thanks to the extensive research of Pinyon scholars, the science community largely accepts that vitaechymos was first found within Origin Trees.

Through evolution and mass dispersion of the liquid in the form of Willows and other large species, tinier forms of vegetation have been observed to give life to smaller animals.

Despite this being a relatively recent evolution, estimated to have begun a few thousand years prior, the ecosystem of Willanova's fauna has vastly diversified for both wildlife and domesticated alike.

Chymos can also be transformed into its purer variant artificially, through the collection of a large volume of the natural version and multiple strainings to remove debris and water.

Vitaechymos presents itself differently in fauna depending on a variety of factors, such as a species's origin, preferred environment, size, and so on. On the other hand, flora share a relatively similar anatomical structure for the substance, where a large vein of chymos runs through the main stem or trunk of a plant, and expands out in thinner veins to the tips of branches and leaves.

Origin Trees/Plants

Origin Trees, being the largest known flora on Willanova, disperse their chymo in the form of chymojewels grown on their branches; the very beginning to a new Willow!

Upon extracting vitaechymo directly from the main vein of a plant, the liquid is watered down and filled with debris, as plants will use the same veins to distribute water and nutrients. However, veins found in leaves or the end of branches contain a more concentrated and richer version, as that is where chymojewels will grow. 

Interior view of chymo in tree trunks.


small_chymo_plant Small plant producing an acorn Chymojewel. This could be a puptual!
Chymojewels are the product of hardened Vitaechymos, similar to that of an amber. These jewels are crucial to the life of all animals on Willanova, as their very start originates from them. Willows are known to possess chymojewels on their upper chests and tail tips, while other species have jewels residing on their forehead. Once a chymojewel falls off of its respective plant, it will act similar to a seed, growing in the soil until a young critter pops out!

The default chymojewel that all life forms start out as is the infamous acorn. For Willows, that shape will change based on their personality, customizing itself to fit that individual. Companion species instead will keep the acorn variant until adoption, in which their jewel will match that of their owner. Finally, wild species of fauna will always have the acorn chymojewel.