Historical facts in this volume are by Edessa!

General Overview


Willows are the primary species that inhabit Willanova, having constructed vast civilizations over many centuries. These advanced beings have evolved to thrive off the sticky substance extracted from special willow trees, dubbed as "Vitaechymos", or “Chymos” for short. As of present day, 6 different subspecies of Willows co-exist on this planet, all with varying traits that evolved from Standard Willows millions of years prior.

Throughout Willanova's diverse landscapes, different subspecies have grown off of numerous tree types. Said subspecies are aptly named depending on the tree they originated from, where they are generally called Origin Trees: Siberian, Mangrove, Arroyo, Acacia, and Pinyons. Despite it being possible for some Willows to inherit the traits of opposing subspecies, they retain the core component of their origin species.

Edessa Says:

Contrary to popular belief, Pinyons actually tend to spawn from the Genesis Tree; the first ever tree to sprout in Willanova. It’s tucked inside the Sulow Sanctum, and additionally holds the title of being the largest tree by far on Willanova. It’s a high honor to be sprouted there, though they tend to be spoiled if you ask me.


All Willows live for 150-200 years, with the exception for Pinyons that live for 300-500+ years. According to current biological records, Willows by far exceed the life spans of other fauna, both living and extinct alike.


Willows can reproduce when finding their respective partner and obtaining their Sacred Vows. New parents often spend weeks researching the best care for their little ones, and set up a Nursery to nurture their growth. Following this, couples visit Origin Trees in their area, and pray for a chymojewel to return home with; the start of a new life!

Pairing is a process between two elegable Willows, where they combine some of their life force to create a seedling of their own! Said jewel is then developed by an Origin Tree, or a controlled Origin Tree at the Pairing Center.

A Willow that has found their special one is called a "Starcrossed Willow". But not every couple considers themselves Starcrossed. It just depends on their own comfort! Any size couple is recognized in Willanova, however only two Willows can pair at a time.

Origin Trees sometimes produce Willow-sufficiant Chymojewels when there's a certain amount of inactivity. This is mostly seen in Origin Trees that are found outside of Willanova's main area; the "Outskirts". Unfortunately, abandoned Willows, or Willows found in the outskirts, are less likely to survive.


When an Origin Tree drops an acorn-shaped chymojewel, parents take them home and plant them into the Nursery. As long as the chymojewel remains embedded into the ground, with careful protection and time, sprouts emerge from the ground, which eventually become small Willows! Processes like these are usually controlled by specialized groups to ensure each sprout goes to their destination, receiving proper care and a rich and plentiful household.

Willows are extremely social creatures, thriving off of interactions and experience. It’s rare to see a young Willow secluded from others, as it takes them several years to fully mature.


On the rare occasion a chymojewel from an Origin Tree is planted far outside of the more populated areas of Willanova, Searchers find and relocate sprout Willows to be raised by the Foster System.


Willow Sprouts spring out as babies, with brain development at around 3-5 years old. Unlike humans however, they take much longer to grow, needing guidance and nurturing from peers. It takes a majority of subspecies ~30 years for them to reach mental and physical maturity, however Pinyons are averaged at about 60 years. Once they reach their adulthood, Willows can obtain their fully fledged Citizenship , which changes the shape of their chymojewel to a completely different shape unique to one's self.

Furthermore, a Willow's physical aging continues to slow, attributing to their long life spans compared to other species. While they can grow hair, prosper gray hair, or look wiser in their complexion, Willows only really consider themselves to be “older” at around the age of 125.


Some traits are more desirable or rarer on a Willow than others. Willow-kind has fashioned themselves over the centuries to be almost “customizable” with the right tools, magic, and special recipes!


Magic & Life Force

All Willows are born with some type of magic specialty; however, it takes effort to awaken their profound abilities. Even so, there’s cases where children figure out how to use their magic without going through lessons. Usually, the form of magic a Willow practices is a culmination of their most prevalent interest.

Most magic in the world of Willanova is completely passive, and can be possessed by any creature. Contrary to this sentiment, there are a few Willows that have inherited or created their own negative magic, and even create curses that can harm others!

Willows are born with a set amount of "Life Force", or "Willowpower". Their life force does a variety of things for the Willow themself. Examples:

  • A healthy Willow, when harmed, will use their life force to manipulate their chymos to cover the harmed area, preventing infection.
  • A blind Willow, if desired, can use some of their life force to generate floating eyes to see with.