Designing Your Willow

Welcome to the design guide! Featuring our favorite, friendly non-canon Willow, Leaf! They're going to be our example when designing our Willow step-by-step.

Before starting, please note:

You must pick the orientation of your Willow! You can have both a feral orientation and an anthro orientation later, but that requires game progression or item usage. Please pick what you're comfortable with for the initial design of your slot, as Willows can stand either feral or anthro on inital upload!

Furthermore, we do allow CBCs (character-based characters)! However, Willows designed in this way must not be one to one copies of the media they're inspired from. They will also always have a masterlist value of $0.00, and cannot be sold under any circumstances, only gifted or traded.

Physical Traits

The traits you can use depend on your MYO slot's rarity. The lowest rarity slots are common, and highest rarity ones mutation. For example, if you have a rare MYO slot, then you can use any traits that are rare, as well as any traits in lower rarities, such as uncommon or common. Therefore, make sure you reference the traitlist when designing your willow!

Leaf is a common, Standard Willow, so we went ahead and used the following common traits:

Of course, to fit your Willow, you don't have to use Leaf's traits listed here!

Body types, expressions/poses, eyes, etc., are completely UNTRAITED! Feel free to express your Willow however you'd like.

Amputations, missing limbs, etc. are also completely untraited. Feel free to do so on your own accord. Prosthetics may go onto the masterlist as long as it's unfuturistic!

About blinding a Willow...

A Willow can be blinded freely. Willows are often born blind in the pairing process. However they would be at a disadvantage. You can link a companion to a Willow or give them the trait Suspended Sight to waver the penalty.



Subspecies & Chymos

Chymos is the most important substance to any creature in Willanova. Each Willow subspecies has their own distribution of Chymos across their body. Additionally, each species has their own set of required phyiscal traits that make them, them!

Chymos is also the most delicate and extensive step when designing a Willow. There is a set number of colors you can choose when designing, as chymos only reflects certain colors of light. Chymojewels however, can take any shape at all! Whatever fits their personality! But, make sure you follow our guidelines when it comes to image on our website.

Species Wide Required Traits:

  • Four (4) claws
  • Two (2) chymojewels; one on their chest and one at the tip of their tails.
  • Forked tongue
  • Horns (unless you have the No Horns mutation trait)
  • Ears (unless you have the No Ears genetic mutation trait)
    • Arroyos can have no ears as a rare trait instead, exclusive only to their subspecies!
  • Tail (unless you have the No Tail mutation trait)

Species Wide Optional Traits:

  • Paw-pads, chymos or not
  • Chymos inner-ears, claws, teeth, and tongue
  • Whiskers

Completely Off the Table:

  • COMPLETELY Chymos tails. They must, at a minimum, be interlaced with Chymos
    • Elayah would be a good example of what you could do! 
    • An exception would be Pinyons, who's backhalf are made of Chymos. But they can also have furred tails!
  • COMPLETELY Chymos neck fur



Leaf with optional paw-pads, regular claws, Chymos inner-ears ears!

Click the tabs below to view species specific requirements!

Required Traits:

  • Chymos up to thighs/top of leg

Optional/Free Traits:

  • Slit noses

Required Traits:

  • Fur/fuzz over legs
  • Tusks (chymos or not, can be on the upper or lower jaw)
  • Chest chymos
  • Hooves
  • Rabbit noses

Optional/Free Traits:

  • Optionally, the jewel can sit in the middle of the tail

Required Traits:

  • Arm feathers/wings
  • Plated chymos legs
  • Bird-like, clawed feet

Optional/Free Traits:

  • Beaks

Required Traits:

  • Naga back legs
  • Scaled underbelly, chymos or not

Optional/Free Traits:

  • Slit noses
  • Longer tongues
  • Rattles on the end of their tails

Required Traits:

  • Centaur back legs
  • Chymos hooves

Required Traits:

  • Fins (opt. chymos)
  • Scales
  • Croaker
  • Gills

Optional/Free Traits:

  • Webbed fingers


Chymos Colors and Textures 

Finishing Touches

Free to Add:

  • Body/Fur Markings: Willows can have as many markings or colors as you want, in any shape!
  • Colored Lineart: As long as everything is visible, we encourage you to color your lineart
  • Accessories: Ribbons, hair ties, prosthetics, you name it
  • Hairstyle/Mane: Any texture, size, or shape

Please Do Not:

  • Give them a full outfit
    • We want to see their full design!
  • Add animals to their design
  • Add sparkly effects or anywhere near. That can be added later!
  • Add items other than handheld gear
leaf_10_donezo Oh! Leaf with their markings! Nice!

Trait + Mutation Exceptions

Some traits affect the look of your Willow not listed here. You can view additional trait information on the traitlist!

Some traits also disregard some of the base characteristics of Willow species. Willows should never look outside of their species completely, and should still be recognizable to their original traits.

  • For example: We allow the use of items to add mutations and other unique things to a Willow, however a Siberian Willow shouldn't ever have fins.