Sulow Sanctum

City inside Sulow Grove

Can be home to characters.

    • Population
      • Closed

  • Climate
    • ???

  • Leadership
    • Secret relations with Sulow Grove...

Sulow Sanctum, or Sanctum, is a large, ancient civilization hidden off the mainland in Sulow Grove, and home solely to the mythical Pinyon Willows and their pet species, Fydears. Opposite to other locations, this town is rarely accessible to outside Willows, as an impenetrable magic barrier hides its residence. Even for its own citizens, leaving and entering Sulow Sanctum requires special permission from high-profile Pinyon Willows or other willows that have extensive leadership influence. Outside of that, only a handful of non-civilians have had the grace and honor of entering the city.

Furthermore, Sanctum is widely attributed to its rich history of rituals, celebrations, and traditions that have been documented over millennia. Due to its secret nature, only a small portion of these are known, even with the extensive research in Sweetbay and Brittlebush. Even for what is known, none have full context or details.

Edessa says:
I'd pay top dollar for even just the slightest bit of a clue on how to get in there.

Climate & Environment

Sulow Sanctum shares the same weather and climate as Sulow Grove, with minute environmental differences. The civilization resides in the thick temperate forests, with trees much larger than those of Sulow Grove’s forests. The location similarly experiences an average, four season climate of Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. However, unlike its counterparts, Sulow Sanctum is protected from natural disasters through its barrier, where only desirable weather, such as standard rain, is permitted to seep through. There are even rumors that Pinyons can regulate the weather and seasons within their barrier, though no outsider has been able to prove it thus far…

Founding & Government

This community is the oldest in all of Willanova, having settled down centuries before Sulow Grove. Pinyon Willows are known for their vast intelligence, innovation, magic, and hard-working nature, and thus sought out to pursue their endeavors in a stable environment. With the small and tight-knit group that existed at this time, they chose the temperate forests as a safe place to create their society from the ground up. Impressive marble and stone structures were constructed out of resources from caves throughout the continent, hauled there for miles with the use of wooden carts and wheels strapped to their backs. Homes, educational foundations, a center for ceremonies, and other necessary buildings were labored upon for years, until their completion. With that, came the creation of the magical barrier, intended to keep the small group safe from intruders or natural disasters.

All societies of Willanova are connected to the government of Sulow Grove in some fashion, as the mayors seek to care for not only their own community, but their fellow ones as well. However, Sulow Sanctum highly prefers to remain hidden and independent, distancing itself from the outside world. Although Ginger and his wife, Phoebea have been granted special access to enter the barrier, the community leaders have declared that they do not need any assistance. Instead, a counsel of elder Pinyons and high-profile leaders govern Sanctum similar to a democracy. 

Holidays & Events