All Traits


Gills/Vents (Required)

Parent Trait: Slits/Gills/Vents (Mutation)
Species: Willow (Mangrove subtype)

Fins/Webbing (Required)

Species: Willow (Mangrove subtype)
Party Whiskers/Feelers

Party Whiskers/Feelers (Common)

Species: Willow (Mangrove subtype)

Party whiskers can feature up to four sets of long, Chymos-based whiskers. They can be as long as their body or as short as a chymos mustache.

  • They should NOT resemble tentacles
  • They can move around, pick things up, and even emote with the Willow! A good example would be yours truly~
Party Whiskers/Feelers

Party Whiskers/Feelers (Uncommon)

Species: Willow (Standard subtype)

Party whiskers can feature up to four sets of long, Chymos-based whiskers. They can be as long as their body or as short as a chymos mustache.

  • They should NOT resemble tentacles
  • They can move around, pick things up, and even emote with the Willow! A good example would be yours truly~

Charms (Uncommon)

Species: Willow

Charms embed small objects into a Willow's body. These differ from accessories as they're completely attached. Charms should not be organic to avoid looking like Vitae Growth. Examples includes:

  • Glitter
  • Sprinkles
  • Bells

Charms with the Transparency trait can be floating around like a container. They can also be seen inside chymos.


Spines (Rare)

Species: Willow

At most, spines can resemble porchupines and can completely take over their back. Minimally, spines can line the back of a Willow's tail and back.


Ratking (Condemnations)

Species: Willow

Ratking is the fusing of two Willows, or otherwise stitching two Willows together, creating a chimera.

  • Ratking can have two completely different traitlists, but they need to be on the same masterlist, or seperated by a Transformation
    • Both Willows will have the same subtype
    • Both WIllows will have the same chymos
  • They can have different personalities, markings, etc!
  • You do not need to own two Willows to have this trait applied!

They would need to be drawn together, however would recieve the Ratking/Linked Conscious bonus!

Alternate Types
  • Linked Conscious (Bestowment)
    Species: Willow

    Linked Conscious is two Willows sharing the same conscious magically.

    • Linked Conscious can have two completely different traitlists, but they need to be on the same masterlist, or seperated by a Transformation
      • Both Willows will have the same subtype
      • Both WIllows will have the same chymos
    • They can have different personalities, markings, etc!
    • You do not need to own two Willows to have this trait applied!

    They would need to be drawn together, however would recieve the Ratking/Linked Conscious bonus!

Linked Conscious

Linked Conscious (Bestowment)

Parent Trait: Ratking (Condemnations)
Species: Willow

Linked Conscious is two Willows sharing the same conscious magically.

  • Linked Conscious can have two completely different traitlists, but they need to be on the same masterlist, or seperated by a Transformation
    • Both Willows will have the same subtype
    • Both WIllows will have the same chymos
  • They can have different personalities, markings, etc!
  • You do not need to own two Willows to have this trait applied!

They would need to be drawn together, however would recieve the Ratking/Linked Conscious bonus!

Serpent Nose

Serpent Nose (Common)

Parent Trait: Animal Nose (Mutation)
Species: Willow (Acacia subtype)

Includes deer noses, beaks, etc. 

Slit/shark or no noses does NOT count and can be used freely.


Crests (Uncommon)

Parent Trait: Crests (Mutation)
Species: Willow (Arroyo subtype)
Rabbit Nose

Rabbit Nose (Required)

Parent Trait: Animal Nose (Mutation)
Species: Willow (Siberian subtype)

Includes deer noses, beaks, etc. 

Slit/shark or no noses does NOT count and can be used freely.

Slit Nose

Slit Nose (Common)

Parent Trait: Animal Nose (Mutation)
Species: Willow (Standard subtype)

Includes deer noses, beaks, etc. 

Slit/shark or no noses does NOT count and can be used freely.


Spider (Condemnations)

Species: Willow

Willows with this condemnation have anywhere from 4-8 eyes, and has 1-2 extra pairs of arms!

Strange Chymos Formations

Strange Chymos Formations (Condemnations)

Species: Willow

Allows your Willow to have blotches/areas of pure Chymos on their otherwise furred areas. This does NOT apply to their tail, just their body!

  • This trait can cover up to 25% of their body.
    • The chymos must be the same texture and opaque unless a Tea is used.
      • Paired with Transparency can show their bones through their Chymos!
    • This trait doesn't inhibit their abilities at all, it's just quite the odd look to some...
Axolotl Whiskers/Feelers

Axolotl Whiskers/Feelers (Uncommon)

Species: Willow (Mangrove subtype)

Axolotl whiskers are short, chymos-based feelers that are more defined to represent Axolotl gills! They also come in two pairs (4 feelers total), however are short in nature due to taking a broader shape.

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