This volume's information comes from Mayor Ginger!


Basic Gameplay


First... We'd like to thank you for checking out Willanova! There's a ton to do and check out when it comes to activity here on the site. Though, we can understand it could be a littttllleee overwhelming! But that's where the guidebooks come from, written by yours truly!

The Willows Grove is an Art Roleplaying Game - ARPG AND a Closed Species, that focuses on crafting unique characters and soulful relationships with our many NPCs. You'd need to be able to write or draw to play!

Common Terms

MYO - "Make your Own". A ticket that allows you to make your own character. Also called "slot".
FTO - "First Time Owner", a title that refers to people who have never owned a character inside Willanova.
FTU/PTU - "Free to Use", "Pay to Use" 
OTA/BTA/DTA/WTA - "Offer to Adopt", "Bid to Adopt", "Draw to Adopt", "Write to Adopt"


What is a Closed Species?

A closed species is a concept created by an artist[s] to create a closed community based around it. Ours is an ARPG, meaning there's gameplay that comes along with exclusively owning a Willow or otherwise.

You need an MYO to create a Willow or other compaion species featured on the site. Only official Willows can be used in the Willow community.

  • MYOs are purchaseable (species currency or USD) or winnable creation tokens that allow you to make a Willow. Willows that are not created from MYOs can be called customs or adopts, and come from Guest Artists and Admins.
    • You cannot make a Willow for use without an myo!!

That being said, there's the opportunity for "off-brand" Willows. There's nothing we personally can do about that, however having an official Willow is what allows for access to the various gameplay and activities found in Willanova! Though, if a designer creates off-brands solely for malicious intentions, they are not welcome in the community. Feel free to peep our rules about this!


With Willanova being a closed species, not at traits are free to use even with an MYO slot! Traits have different rarities, from Common to Mutation, and MYO slot rarities corresponds to the rarity of traits the designer could use.

Traits Technical Worth:

  • Common - 100 Amcorns
  • Uncommon - 150 Amcorns
  • Rare - 200 Amcorns
  • Unique - 250 Amcorns
  • Mutation - 300 Amcorns
  • Bestowments/Condemnations - 400 Amcorns

*These rates are also used in the Adoption Center


  • Common Slot: Can only use common traits unless additional items are provided.
  • Rare Slot: Can use traits up to rare, so the slot includes common and uncommon traits.
  • Mutation Slot: Can use all traits up to mutation and below, but no pairing mutations, Condemnations, or Bestowments.

Additional items for traits outside of an MYO's rarity can be added from the use of items or purchased directly by supporting Willanova!

Getting a character:

Willows are split into currently 6 different subspecies , each with their own trait-set and anatomy! You can learn more about each species here. 

Willows need an MYO to create and explore. There's a couple of ways of getting a hold of a Willow:

  • Ganoderma's Newbie Prompt - New Face in Town
  • Leaf's Shop for Amcorns 
  • Poppy's Foster Center (requires 70 reputation with Poppy)
  • MYO money sales
  • Events/Raffles
  • Official adopts from Admins or Guest Artists
  • Customs from Nowheel or SunnsetCadett (no MYO needed)
  • Customs from other users (provided you or they have an MYO)
  • Buying from or trading with other users

If you'd like to participate in any prompts, events, or anything other WITHOUT an MYO or completing any prerequisites, you can do so by drawing one of the many NPCs! They're for community use, designed by Admins, regardless of their lore.

However, if you do want to stick by their lore, feel free! There are many in-lore connections, with an entire summary of current lore events found in the Lore So Far book. Some prompts require drawing certain NPCs to complete, so keep that in mind. Just make sure to use a different NPC in that scenario, so that you're not seeing double!

To freely get a Willow of your own, you can do so by completing the starter set of prompts!


Prompts are the most common activity to do around Willanova! They help you gain items, slots, key items, currency, other things and help you progress. If you've never encountered prompts before, feel free to browse through what's avaliable to you in the prompt world page.

You might not see much right now, but that's because you haven't developed your village juuuusttt  yet.

Prompts are often accompanied by bits of dialouge from our NPCs! If you'd like to get to know about our Admin NPCs, feel free to browse through their information in the NPCs world page or on their Masterlist.

That's about all for a basic need-to-know! Check out the next chapter about getting started and gameplay.