The Canopies

City inside Willanova

Can be home to characters.

    • Population
      • Smaller

  • Climate
    • Temperate/Warmer

  • Leadership
    • Mostly Independant

Amongst the large trees of Willanova's forests lies The Canopies, home to the air-dwelling Arroyo Willows. This town is known for it's quieter air and widely sparse population, as it is rare to see other species visiting or living here. The Canopies were constructed to be a sort of secluded haven from the rest of society, as rounded, berry-shaped homes dangling off of trees often require flight to be reached and traveled between. However, in the modern day, more efforts to construct bridges between homes and the ground below have been made accessing this architectural wonder easier.

Draven says:

Climate & Environment

Unlike other cities, The Canopies span across forests and trees throughout Willanova, making it difficult to define an exact border of where it starts or ends. Typically, they are located amongst various species of deciduous trees, as Arroyos have found that these species have better infrastructure for building homes and buildings into them. Amidst the natural trees in each location, The Canopies also feature special trees that grow in the shape of a spiral, titled "Renasence Trees". It it said that when an Arroyo Willow passes on and their body is buried beneath the soil, a Renasence Tree grows in its place, living on in the community and providing a new home for the place they once lived in.

The Canopies's ideal trees primarily exist in both the temperate forests by Sulow Grove, as well as the water-rooted trees of Sweetbay. Therefore, depending on where one lives, it's residents either may experience the average temperate weather and seasons, or warmer and more humid temperatures and seasons. Those who chose to settle closer to Sulow Grove typically only are at risk of occasional heavy rainfall, however those by Sweetbay are additionally in danger of flooding in the warmer seasons if their homes are not built high enough into the trees. Thankfully, any older homes that were once in this danger level have since been moved upward as a commission by Ginger's grandfather decades ago.

Founding & Government

Arroyo Willows were the first to settle out of any subspecies, living off of what the trees provided them. However, upon the initial settlement of ground-dwelling Willows around a few hundred years later, Arroyo Willows experienced a pushback from their territory, as not only was space cleared to expand Sulow Grove, but their trees were cut down for resources and thus many homes were lost. As a result of this, Arroyos firmly established their community as The Canopies, attempting to push back. Over time, tensions between those on the land and those in the air were settled formally and the two have since lived in harmony, with many mayors of Sulow Grove making vital efforts to re-establish the lost Canopies. Since then, The Canopies have not only reclaimed their trees but has further expanded itself.

All societies of Willanova are connected to the government of Sulow Grove in some fashion, as the mayors seek to care for not only their own community, but their fellow ones as well. Therefore, Ginger and his wife, Phoebea often reach out to The Canopies to see what they may need, whether that be resources, assistance, or anything of that matter. Outside of this branch, there is no formally established government, as Arroyo Willows generally keep to themselves and trust in their fellow neighbors to keep the peace.

Holidays & Events


Contains the following

Landmark: The Mail Room

Associated Figures
Associated Locations