City of Sweetbay

City inside Willanova

Can be home to characters.

    • Population
      • Sizeable

  • Climate
    • Temperate

  • Leadership
    • Searchers are lead by Lucky

Southwest of Sulow Grove resides the swampy Sweetbay, home to the aqueous Mangrove Willows. Contrary to The Canopies, whose homes are built as high into the trees as possible, Sweetbay embraces its warm waters. These homes are built both underneath and above the water, and are made of hardened clay to withstand changes in water levels. Although Blissfum Mountain is known for its ice fishing, Sweetbay is world-renowned for the vast fishing docks and boats that litter the town, producing freshwater goods daily, as well as the importance of education, research, and history.

Lucky says:
Ohhh, home sweet home. And those on the outside wonder how we live here! HA!

Climate & Environment

Sweetbay happily houses itself amidst a tropical swamp, full of lush water-rooted trees and other hydrophilic flora. Each season shares the same warm temperature range, as the humid air holds onto the heat from the day. In addition to common heavy rainfall, Sweetbay undergoes intense flooding and rising water levels, all of which are adored by the water-breathing Mangrove Willows, as their bodies fare best in such an environment. In order to adapt structures to this fluctuation, magic was used to harden clay from the swamp bed, therefore greatly minimizing any structural damage.

Founding & Government

Out of all the communities of Willanova, Sweetbay is by far the youngest, having been formally established nearly two hundred years after Brittlebush. The swamp's plentiful resources meant that there was no urgent need to settle down, as no other subspecies entered their waters. However, once surrounding villages began the era of trade, the idea of exploration and new resources captivated the minds of many. Migrating groups created "clay-gloos"; early versions of the hardened clay homes that fill the swamp today. The eldest of each household would travel to trade weekly, bringing home items of interest, such as paper and ink, which was later engineered to be waterproof.

Due to the abundance of food, those who settled could also focus on other aspects of their environment. The building of structures unearthed large bones and fossils, in which Mangrove Willows who were more homebound began the early days of research with. Newly obtained paper and ink was then used to document findings, and thus, Sweetbay's childlike wonder transformed into thoughtful knowledge and historical records. Libraries and schools were constructed above and below the surface to house and teach this information, along with fishing docks and boats to permit ground-dwelling groups of Willows to partake in the village. Ever since then, Sweetbay has been a hub of information for investigating the past of Willanova, as scholars from across the world visit the town to discuss and record their findings in various different libraries.

All societies of Willanova are connected to the government of Sulow Grove in some fashion, as the mayors seek to care for not only their own community, but their fellow ones as well. Therefore, Ginger and his wife, Phoebea often reach out to Sweetbay to see what they may need, whether that be resources, assistance, or anything of that matter. Outside of this branch, there are a variety of groups that manage the town. Head scholars that reside in Sweetbay manage the community's schools and youth, such as Edessa, while the most experienced fishers allocate food and other necessities. Finally, the sub-government, "Searchers", founded by Lucky, are a search and rescue force that protects citizens from wavering tides and migrating wildlife. They also manage the conservation of wildlife, distinguishing which areas can be hunted and fished from and which are protected.

Holidays & Events


Associated Locations
Associated Figures