City of Brittlebush

City inside Willanova

Can be home to characters.

    • Population
      • Sizeable

  • Climate
    • Arid

  • Leadership
    • Semi-independent to Willanova leadership

To the southeast of Sulow Grove, one can find the desert village of Brittlebush, the main home for Acacia Willows. This diamond in the rough surrounds a large oasis, with geometrical-styled homes built out of sandstone lining its shores.

Despite the harsh heat, technological innovations and underground canals have graced the landscape with the ability to thrive, constantly supplying fresh water for consumption and agriculture. Contrary to Sweetbay's reputation as one of historical record keeping, Brittlebush is known for studying present day species, as well as the production of rare desert produce

Ganoderma says:
Infesssssted or well loved?~ Thossseeee outside would never know the grace of Cobraroos~


Climate & Environment

Brittlebush can be found in the center of Willanova's grand desert, featuring an arid climate and little rainfall. The far majority of wild plants consist of a multitude of cacti, which house fresh water in their stems and have been observed to bear rich fruits. Large, brownish-red rocks jut out from the sand, acting as the perfect spots for Acacia Willows to absorb heat through their scales. Even without sufficient rainfall, the town has its fill of water from the center oasis, aptly referred to as the heart of Brittlebush. Similarly to Sweetbay, each season of the year remains warm, however the area lacks the humid air that Sweetbay has, causing frigid cold nights. Furthermore, wind coming from the west's warm waters is known to create sandstorms throughout the year.


The community of Brittlebush is the second youngest out of all Willow societies, as before then the oasis was not large enough to sustain a settled community. The development and efficient cacti harvesting and cultivation, coupled with the oasis's gradual growth, eventually allowed Acacia Willows to settle like their sister villages. Homes were constructed out of sandstone that resided at the base of jutted-out rocks, using said stones as protection from sandstorms.

Some Acacia Willows began studying the surrounding flora and fauna, aiming to learn how Brittlebush could make the most out of the unforgiving landscape. This research stemmed into domesticating Cobaroos, which thus resulted in other communities taming their own respective creatures. With a shared love for knowledge, Sweetbay and Brittlebush inevitably formed a close connection for trading both items and information. When the heart of Brittlebush was at risk of drying up, their alliance transformed into the construction of underground canals, which continue to supply fresh water to the town to this day.


All societies of Willanova are connected to the government of Sulow Grove in some fashion, as the mayors seek to care for not only their own community, but their fellow ones as well. Therefore, Ginger and his wife, Phoebea often reach out to Brittlebush to see what they may need, whether that be resources, assistance, or anything of that matter. Outside of this branch, Brittlebush is taken care of by the eldest Acacia Willows, as well as head zoologists, such as Ganoderma.

Holidays & Events


Contains the following

Landmark: The Digsite

Associated Figures
Associated Location