Ganoderma is Willanova's top Zoologist! She's always had an affinity for animals since she was a sprout and can always pull out a great bit of knowledge right on a whim! Her primary line of work is giving out pups and pets to Willows who'd want a companion by their side!


Ganoderma – oftentimes referred to as “Gano” - is the head Zoologist for Willanova, based in Brittlebush. She has two main locations: a dainty inlet near the rural streets of Sulow Grove and the small pet shop she lives at. She’s quite the elegant figure, and holds herself highly in both fashion and personality, elongating her speech because she finds it “fun and amusing.”


In her younger years, Ganoderma to the rest of the important Willows in Sulow was seen as a grouchy “cat-lady” that needed to get her way. Truthfully, she was just one of higher authority, and an avid motherly figure for most of the cast.

It’s not a secret she prides herself on her craft; Rescuing and caring for companions of all shapes and sizes and finding them homes is one of her biggest achievements. If you were to visit her yourself, you’d be handed a large plate of food and a warm smile!

Associated Location
Associated Faunas
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